
WorkingSm@rt + Outlook

PMA Philadelphia offers WorkingSm@rt + Outlook, a complete time and workload management method designed to help busy people take control of their day and enhance their productivity and performance. The WorkingSm@rt method utilizes a flexible and practical combination of behavior-changing methods, best practice tools, and processes that can transform the way you work. Gain control over your day, find balance, reach your goals, and focus on the tasks that are important to you and your organization.

By the end of this program, participants will obtain the skills necessary to:

  • Control their email inbox and other sources of digital clutter.
  • Think and work more proactively.
  • Eliminate the nagging sensation that something must be “falling through the cracks”.
  • Manage a large volume of action items from a variety of sources.
  • Plan and prioritize tasks in an environment of shifting priorities.
  • Recover more quickly from interruptions.
  • Store and retrieve information quickly and efficiently.
  • Work more productively and effectively within a team.
  • Link actions to long and short-term strategies.
  • Distinguish the important from the urgent and incorporate high-value strategic tasks into their daily plan.

Who should attend?
WorkingSm@rt + Outlook for open enrollment is open to individuals and small groups including managers, technical and sales professionals, supervisors, administrators, and project leaders who currently use Outlook and are search for a way to maintain or elevate their productivity in the face of constantly increasing workloads.


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